


Text messages

Text messages are increasingly difficult for us to manage in our business environment. When we are engaged face-to-face with clients we are not texting. When we are driving from one point to another, which we do a lot, we are not texting. And when we are working on client projects we are not texting.

This means that when we come up for air there could be a dozen or more text messages waiting for us. We are also guilty of reading a text message during a meeting and [attempting] to make a mental note to deal with it when the meeting is over. More often than not we fail, the message becomes buried by new incoming messages and your important text falls through the cracks.

If you are reading this you are a client and you have recently been given a specific mobile number to reach Joey Brannon. This number is special. Calls will not only reach his mobile phone, text messages will be triaged in a group inbox where they can be seen by Joey and his assistant, Carrie Luster.

We believe your messages are important and we are implementing a system that makes sure they do not fall through the cracks of personal text messaging. If you continue to use Joey's old mobile number to send text messages you will be gently referred back to this page and asked to use the new number.

How we use email

We think it's important to communicate exactly how we use e-mail and what you can expect from me when we communicate in this format. We check e-mail sporadically, sometimes many times a day, sometimes not very often at all. We try not to let e-mailimpede our productivity, and we rarely respond to messages in real time.

Our goal is to respond to e-mail within 24 hours of its receipt, but sometimes it takes longer. If we don't respond to you within 24 hours don't be shy about reminding us that you are waiting for an answer.  And if you ever have an emergency please reach out through a phone call or text message. If you leave a message we will return your call as soon as we are able.

Phone calls

We do not employ a full time receptionist or message service. We use a virtual phone system that forwards calls to our respective mobile phones. We are rarely "in the office" and this gives us the flexibility to receive and return calls wherever we are. The majority of our time is spent with clients or working diligently on client projects. There are rarely times when we are "on call" waiting to pickup the phone at the next ring. If we do not answer please leave a voice message.

Voice messages take precedence over email and text messages.