010-Constrained Creativity

Creativity is often perceived to be the domain of those who accept no limits, who attack the canvas unfettered, who pound out page after page in an unbridled response to the inner muse. But perception is not reality. Creative solutions are most often found within the boundaries of very real constraints. In the real world these constraints are the fuel that drives our creative engine. Without them we wander aimlessly. With them we focus energy and come up with astounding solutions, designs and insights.

009-The One Page Plan

It took me five years longer than it should have to create the business I wanted to run. In this episode I talk about the tool I could have used to shorten the journey. The idea of a one page plan sounds catchy. But in practice it is much more than a nifty slogan. One page plans done right have the potential to change your business in powerful ways. 

008-The 800 pound gorilla in strategic planning

Strategic planning is fun. Implementation, not so much. When it comes to getting the plan underway most companies fail to face down the 800 pound gorilla in the room. You know the moment if you have witnessed it. Leaders suddenly become very interested in their shoes and find it hard to speak. What is the gorilla? What do you do to face it down? This episode is all about making progress, good or bad, with your strategic plan.

006-Leadership Crash Course

"Where there is no development of talent there will be no growth." That quote from Buck Jacobs is played out in companies every single day. To grow you must develop a company of leaders. But leadership is an extraordinarily complex topic. Who has the time or resources to fully understand it? Luckily you don't have to. There are just a few key ingredients that will start to make a difference as soon as you add them to your team. No matter what level you are in the organization, this podcast will show you how to be more effective as a leader.


This podcast was recorded a couple of years ago. Joey talks about dealing with adversity and resistance, both where these things originate and how to overcome them. The kids are older and some of the examples a little dated, but the meat of the content is as relevant as ever.

001-The Importance of Pace

Pace is part of everything we do in business. When we get intentional about pace and how we use it for different activities effectiveness improves. This was the first podcast, recorded a couple of years before the platform was part of the consulting business. But it was first because this topic finds its way into everything we do with clients and into everything successful clients do with their teams.