050-REACH Ecosystem Pt. 2

Last week we covered the relational drive in the reach ecosystem which describes the degree to which an individual engages emotionally in everyday circumstances. This week, we take a look at achievement drive and delve into the intensity in which one approaches goals. Find out if you are more: (1) Measured or Intense; (2) Assertive or Reflective; (3) Bold or Cautious; (4) Adaptable or Flexible; (5) Analytical or intuitive. Let us know after the show by clicking on the review button below!

049- REACH Ecosystem Pt. 1

REACH: The Insights to Know and the Resources to Grow

Join us this week as we cover what we consider one of the most valuable tools in our tool belt. Not only will you leave with a greater understanding of who you are and why you may react to things the way you do, but also with a greater understanding of how to relate to people who don’t react as you do. You don’t want to miss this!

046-Grow With Purpose-Chapter 10: Business as Ministry

Here at Axiom, we hold the teachings and ideas that formulate this chapter close to our hearts. Small businesses growing with purpose often change the world in more lasting and meaningful ways than any church program, nonprofit, government institution, social club, volunteer group, or grassroots movement. So as you turn the pages and our final chapter comes to a close, we challenge you to leave with lasting intentions; grow your mission, not your business.

035-Strategic Planning for Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations need a good strategic plan just as much as any for-profit business. But the absence of a majority shareholder, the presence of a non-owner board of directors, CEO’s dealign with succession and volunteers passionate about their work make the planning process and execution much more challenging. In this episode Joey and Devin discuss the issues facing CEO’s and board members when it comes to strategic planning and execution.

034-Strategic HR Management

If you think of HR and HR Management as a cost center you are missing a key strategic priority when it comes to long term growth and competition. In this episode we discuss administrative HR vs Strategic HR, how to tell the difference, and what you might be missing when you fail to consider the HR bottleneck in your strategic plan.

031-A Strategic Approach to Debt

Sometimes you need to leverage other people's money to grow or accomplish strategic objectives. In this episode we cover the basics of business borrowing and the things you need to consider before you start looking for a business loan, whether that money is to buy property, finance equipment, obtain working capital, or buy a business outright.